The role of the Consortia in the green transition

Due to the climate change, the European Union has set ambitious targets through the Farm to Fork strategy and the Green Deal to orient the most polluting sectors, including the agricultural sector, to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and environmental degradation.

The Life TTGG Project, strongly supported by the Consorzio di Tutela Grana Padano PDO, provides the Consortia with a shared and homogeneous tool that allows them to set up strategies to improve the environmental performance of GI productions.

In this context, PDO and PGI products are the target groups for these policies. They are agricultural products made using raw materials, production methods and well-defined technologies within a defined geographical area, with natural production factors. These elements make the Geographical Indication (GI) chains a privileged point of reference and allow an accurate redefinition of support tools to make processes more efficient, in particular those with environmental repercussions.

In this case, the Consorzio di Tutela del Grana Padano PDO has an essential role as a promoter of initiatives aimed at adopting concrete and effective actions to drive the supply chain towards the achievement of European environmental objectives.

Up to now, for the 1493 European Geographical Indication products registered, in particular, for the 253 sectors of the PDO PGI cheese sector, The Life TTGG project therefore offers a first concrete opportunity to adopt a unique tool capable of setting strategies to improve environmental performance and a reference tool for the setting up and implementation of strategies for the production of GIs as a whole.

Souce: Fondazione Qualivita

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