The use of software: a tool against green washing

The EDSS (Environmental Decision Support System) software, developed within the LIFE TTGG project, has successfully passed the validation by CSQA Certificazioni srl. The validation was implemented following the UNI EN ISO 14040 and 14044 standards requirements and the Product Category Rules (PEFCR) for Dairy products developed within the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology.

The environmental profile outcomes of PDO cheeses generated by the EDSS software for the life cycle stages: farm, dairy processing, ripening, packaging, distribution, consumption, and end-of-life (packaging and food waste) comply with internationally mandated requirements for quantifying the potential impacts generated in the life cycle of consumer products. Companies could use these results to prepare their environmental communication without interceding with greenwashing (environmental window dressing) issues.

Source: Politecnico di Milano

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