LIFE TTGG Partner: Università Cattolica di Piacenza

The LIFE TTGG project “The tough get going” was co-funded by the European Environment and Climate Action Programme (Life 2014-2020). The objective of the project is to orient the development of the dairy sector towards an improvement in the production process efficiency, in order to guarantee its growth and preserve quality in the perspective of environmental sustainability.

In order to achieve the objective of improving the efficiency of the whole European PDO hard and semi-hard cheese production chain, the project involves 7 highly qualified partners: Consorzio tutela Grana Padano, Politecnico di Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza, oriGIn , Qualivita, Enersem and CNIEL.

Among these, Università Cattolica di Piacenza is a partner of the Life TTGG Project with the Department of Food Science and Technology for a Sustainable Food Supply Chain (DiSTAS) and the Department of Animal Science, Nutrition and Food (DiANA).

Thanks to its experience in quantifying the environmental performances of the dairy sector, UCSC is engaged in numerous actions with the aim of improving the efficiency of the production system:

  • To calculate the potential environmental impacts of livestocks;
  • To create dataset average (Benchmark) on the impact of milk production;
  • Identifying critical aspects at the milk production stage;
  • Proposing mitigation, containment and reduction of environmental impacts of milk;
  • Creating alternative scenarios of environmental performances;
  • Improving the production efficiency of milk at the barn, both environmentally and economically;
  • Development of a Software capable of assessing the environmental footprint of the entire supply chain;
  • To transfer know-how to other PDOs and PGIs.

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